Since our start in 2005, Kids To The Rescue, with your help, has accomplished many amazing things. We have raised donations for our nation's biggest disasters, worked together with students and met influential people to spread our message. We have brightened the lives of many kids in need both locally and nationally through gifts, donations, valentine’s messages and other charitable projects. We have seen some amazing acts of kindness and generosity. We recognize it is time to expand our message and broaden our goals. The Gift of Giving is free for EVERY kid.. Learn more...

Follow Kids To The Rescue through our Facebook page for more up-to-date programs and events! You can always visit us here at our website for occasional updates and more detailed information about KTTR, but all new disaster related efforts and giving will be handled through our Facebook page.
Please visit our page to donate and Like us today! click here!
If you do not have Facebook but would still like to make a donation, to Hurricane Harvey relief, visit You can donate to other causes by visiting The Salvation Army

Traditionally our "SEND LOVE" VALENTINE'S DAY CAMPAIGN kicks off after Christmas when The Salvation Army Red Kettles are put away.
Please share the "Gift of Giving." iMAGINE if each child K-12 in the USA, gives just one dollar, once a year, kids coming together can offer more than 55 million! Valentine’s Day…Get Involved!

There’s nothing like receiving a hand-made card to lift your spirits, but it seems like those who actually take the time to make such an effort are far and few between. That’s not the case, though, with students from Convent of the Visitation School in Mendota Heights, Minnesota. You can have your class and ask your school to make cards, collect donations and "Send Love" to kids in need too!
These creative kids crafted personal Valentines notes for children in need with words of encouragement and hope. Their annual effort is in support of the "Send Love" Valentine's Day Campaign. Students sent their cards and donations via The Salvation Army and online.
Check out some of the great Valentines they made: ex.1 ex.2 ex.3 ex.4
Get started now! Download the "Send Love" Valentine's Day Card today!

Kids To The Rescue (KTTR) is an online communications and fund raising tool for kids across America to come together to help each other during times of crisis. Please share your ideas and projects. We can help you, help kids together. Become a KTTR Fan and spread the gift of giving, by also liking us on our Facebook page today! Visit our Facebook Page
If you are a kid in need, please contact your local Salvation Army and ask about Kids To The Rescue in your area.

tra•di•tion (trə dĭsh'ən), n. 1.The act of delivering into the hands of another; delivery. 2. Something that is handed down. 3. A long- established or inherited way of thinking or acting. A new tradition begins!

phi•lan•thro•py (fĭ lăn'thrə pē), n. 1. The effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind, as by charitable aid or donations. 2. Love of humankind in general. 3. Something, such as an activity or institution, intended to promote human welfare. Feeling philanthropic?

cam•paign (kăm-pān'), n. 1. An operation or series of operations energetically pursued to accomplish a purpose. 2. To engage in an operation planned to achieve a certain goal. Want to start your own?